Monday, December 15, 2008
Everyones heard of a white christmas, how about a brown christmas...
and no, I don't mean a Charlie Brown christmas. I'm referring to our nice rainy/muddy Seattle winters!!! Last weekend we went to a tree farm to get our Christmas tree (a tradition we've been doing as a family for many years now). Over the years we've had sunny days, rainy days and even snowy days but never had we had such a muddy Christmas tradition as we had this year.
check out this video, Christmas in the Northwest!
btw: those are not black rain pants the kids are wearing, they are mud covered jeans. :-)
check out this video, Christmas in the Northwest!
btw: those are not black rain pants the kids are wearing, they are mud covered jeans. :-)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
An afternoon at the Seattle Pacifc Science Musuem
WOW!!! Time flies, I haven't been on this blog in awhile it seems. Well, here's a little news from Seattle if anyone out there is still listening. :-) Sunday we took the kids to see Madagascar 2 at the IMAX at Seattle Pacific Science Musuem. Big brother and his girlfriend came along and so we made an afternoon of it and visited the musuem and played a few games.
Here's a funny video of Alli steering the helicopter.
Here's a funny video of Alli steering the helicopter.
For more pics of our afternoon at the Seattle Pacific Science Musuem go to http://fusaros.spaces.live.com/
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Today marks a milestone in our first born's life...
Long gone are the days of Nathan's kid powered Flintstone style car;
Today our first born purchased his first motorized vehicule, a 2008 Hyundai Accent;
For more pics of Nathan's new ride go to http://fusaros.spaces.live.com/photos/cns!CFDCB9FCCF24BEF2!2251/ !
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Josh and Alli's kitchen
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
An Easter Bunny, a pear and an epiphany...
Did you ever plan to go take pictures (at JC Penney or Sears or something like that) only for everything to go wrong and all the pictures to have at least one kid screaming or crying, if not everyone including you? Well, yesterday I thought maybe, just maybe if it's not planned but spur of the moment, maybe it will work! After our morning play date, Josh and Alli were dressed cute and in pretty good moods, so I called around to get an appointment at a photo studio and got one (it was going to be a little tight for time, the studio was about a 40 minutes drive, but I thought that would give them time to have a power nap in the car which would perk them right up for fabulous pictures!!!)
Flash forward to about 1 hour and 10 minutes later, I'm rushing through the mall in hopes that the studio (who shall remain nameless) will still take us even though we are now 20 minutes late. As I approach the service counter, panting from my sprint to the finish line, the young twenty something still has no kids OBVIOUSLY girl working the service counter asks for my name, I can tell she's already got an attitude, she looks me up in the computer and says "well, you've missed your appointment and now we are about to close for lunch"... so I say, "can you still take us or maybe take us right after lunch?" To which she replies, "I'm sorry the next available appointment I have is 7pm this evening, would you like to book that?" To make a long story short, after trying to explain to her that it's not easy to get 2 babies to a photo studio, that I hit unexpected traffic and that there's absolutely no way I can hang around the mall for 7 hours until her next appointment, she tells me, "well maybe you can try again another day"!!!! Needless to say, they will never see me again.
Flash forward about 30 minutes, I'm aimlessly wondering the mall trying to decide whether we should have lunch first or get in the car and go home when I spot an Easter display with an adult size Bunny and some cameras (a la Santa's in the mall) . I approach this oasis, observing my young ones reactions to this giant creature (the Easter bunny) waving at them, they are smiling and seeming to like this creature. There is no one else in line and I'm informed that there are no obligations to buy the pictures so I decide to go for it. First, I take Joshua out of the stroller who goes directly to the bunny and wants to be picked up, so far so good... then I take out Allison (semi-expecting a meltdown) but to my pleasant surprise she too goes directly to the bunny. So quickly, I prop them both up on either side of the bunny and success!!!

To anyone reading this in the Seattle area, this bunny is at Alderwood Mall until Easter!
So now you ask, what about the pear and the epiphany?.... This has nothing to do with the Easter bunny, just all part of a day in my life. My kids have always loved pears (from pureed when they were infants to bite sized cubes as they got older) but recently they want nothing to do with my little cubes of pear. For some reason, yesterday I thought let me try to cut them differently; I used an apple slicer and then split each quarter the slicer produced into 2 long pieces (they kind of looked like homemade fries, not that my kids have ever had fries). Josh and Alli loved it, they ate the whole pear and another one at lunch today. The epiphany was that it's not the pear they don't want anymore, they just got bored with the bite sized cubes. So next time your kids don't want to eat one of their favorites, break out the cookie cutters, make some fun shapes and see what happens!
Flash forward to about 1 hour and 10 minutes later, I'm rushing through the mall in hopes that the studio (who shall remain nameless) will still take us even though we are now 20 minutes late. As I approach the service counter, panting from my sprint to the finish line, the young twenty something still has no kids OBVIOUSLY girl working the service counter asks for my name, I can tell she's already got an attitude, she looks me up in the computer and says "well, you've missed your appointment and now we are about to close for lunch"... so I say, "can you still take us or maybe take us right after lunch?" To which she replies, "I'm sorry the next available appointment I have is 7pm this evening, would you like to book that?" To make a long story short, after trying to explain to her that it's not easy to get 2 babies to a photo studio, that I hit unexpected traffic and that there's absolutely no way I can hang around the mall for 7 hours until her next appointment, she tells me, "well maybe you can try again another day"!!!! Needless to say, they will never see me again.
Flash forward about 30 minutes, I'm aimlessly wondering the mall trying to decide whether we should have lunch first or get in the car and go home when I spot an Easter display with an adult size Bunny and some cameras (a la Santa's in the mall) . I approach this oasis, observing my young ones reactions to this giant creature (the Easter bunny) waving at them, they are smiling and seeming to like this creature. There is no one else in line and I'm informed that there are no obligations to buy the pictures so I decide to go for it. First, I take Joshua out of the stroller who goes directly to the bunny and wants to be picked up, so far so good... then I take out Allison (semi-expecting a meltdown) but to my pleasant surprise she too goes directly to the bunny. So quickly, I prop them both up on either side of the bunny and success!!!
To anyone reading this in the Seattle area, this bunny is at Alderwood Mall until Easter!
So now you ask, what about the pear and the epiphany?.... This has nothing to do with the Easter bunny, just all part of a day in my life. My kids have always loved pears (from pureed when they were infants to bite sized cubes as they got older) but recently they want nothing to do with my little cubes of pear. For some reason, yesterday I thought let me try to cut them differently; I used an apple slicer and then split each quarter the slicer produced into 2 long pieces (they kind of looked like homemade fries, not that my kids have ever had fries). Josh and Alli loved it, they ate the whole pear and another one at lunch today. The epiphany was that it's not the pear they don't want anymore, they just got bored with the bite sized cubes. So next time your kids don't want to eat one of their favorites, break out the cookie cutters, make some fun shapes and see what happens!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Those socks that go AWOL in the laundry...
For the first 10 months or so of Josh and Alli's life I was very frustrated with the laundry; not because there was sooooo much but because I kept buying cute little socks and then loosing them every time I did a load. After several months I told a friend who suggested I buy one of those mesh bags meant for your delicates, I did and my problem was solved. I never looked back or gave a second thought to the dozen or so socks that went AWOL.
Today, my washer was acting up and when I looked in the owner's manual the error code the machine was giving meant that there was something blocking it from draining. I tried all the troubleshooting steps in the manual with no success. Then I noticed that the rubber seal around the opening looked kind of out of place, a little bumpy (I have a front loader and there is a large rubber seal that seals the door when running so no water runs out). I pulled back the seal to try and straighten it and low and behold....there they were....I found 18 (yes, you heard me 18) tiny little socks!!!!
In the words of Tigger and Pooh (the super sleuths); "Another mystery is history!" :-)
Today, my washer was acting up and when I looked in the owner's manual the error code the machine was giving meant that there was something blocking it from draining. I tried all the troubleshooting steps in the manual with no success. Then I noticed that the rubber seal around the opening looked kind of out of place, a little bumpy (I have a front loader and there is a large rubber seal that seals the door when running so no water runs out). I pulled back the seal to try and straighten it and low and behold....there they were....I found 18 (yes, you heard me 18) tiny little socks!!!!
In the words of Tigger and Pooh (the super sleuths); "Another mystery is history!" :-)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today, we went to the Sammamish Public Library for storytime; the library offers several storytimes throughout the week and the Thursday morning one is targeted for an audience between the ages of 12-24 months. Today the kids learned about the letters A, B, C and D and they learned to count up to 5. (Of course none of them are really counting or saying "A" is for Apple ~ only the parents :-) but the instructor assures us they are learning so we join in and it's a blast.)
We had been to the baby storytime before but this was our first time at the toddler storytime. Baby storytime was easy because babies are left to crawl around and most of the session is actually spent letting the babies explore the myriad of toys strewn about the floor for that exact purpose. Toddler storytime was an entirely different beast; the kids are expected to sit and listen to stories, to participate in song and dance, etc. This is great for 1 parent with 1 child, for 1 parent with twins it's a workout (I think I lost 5 lbs in half an hour) but it's totally worth it. If you're lucky enough to have someone to go with you and help so you each only have one kid then great. If you're not that lucky, don't let the fact that you'll be chasing around 2 kids and run the risk of being the only parent who never sat down :-) stop you from going, put on your best tank top (I made the mistake of wearing a turtleneck :-)) your kids will enjoy it, they will learn from it and you'll be glad you did it!
Storytimes are great free activities for kids, many libraries and bookstores offer storytimes check your local listings. Also, Pottery Barn Kids offers a weekly storytime at which the kids are given a little book club passport, every time they attend a storytime they get a stamp in their passport, after 5 stamps they get a free book. Check the Pottery Barn Kids website for other events, they regularly have children's entertainment which are always a lot of fun.
Related websites;
King County Library System
All for Kids Bookstore
Barnes & Noble
We had been to the baby storytime before but this was our first time at the toddler storytime. Baby storytime was easy because babies are left to crawl around and most of the session is actually spent letting the babies explore the myriad of toys strewn about the floor for that exact purpose. Toddler storytime was an entirely different beast; the kids are expected to sit and listen to stories, to participate in song and dance, etc. This is great for 1 parent with 1 child, for 1 parent with twins it's a workout (I think I lost 5 lbs in half an hour) but it's totally worth it. If you're lucky enough to have someone to go with you and help so you each only have one kid then great. If you're not that lucky, don't let the fact that you'll be chasing around 2 kids and run the risk of being the only parent who never sat down :-) stop you from going, put on your best tank top (I made the mistake of wearing a turtleneck :-)) your kids will enjoy it, they will learn from it and you'll be glad you did it!
Storytimes are great free activities for kids, many libraries and bookstores offer storytimes check your local listings. Also, Pottery Barn Kids offers a weekly storytime at which the kids are given a little book club passport, every time they attend a storytime they get a stamp in their passport, after 5 stamps they get a free book. Check the Pottery Barn Kids website for other events, they regularly have children's entertainment which are always a lot of fun.
Related websites;
King County Library System
All for Kids Bookstore
Barnes & Noble
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Toddler time fun
Today, we took our first venture to Toddler Time at the Issaquah Community Center. What a blast! I had heard about this from other emoms but hesitated thinking my kids were perhaps still too young... I was wrong. :-) Basically, this is a gymnasium filled with age appropriate toys (for ages 1-3); big red and yellow cars to ride in, all kinds of tricycles, push toys, tunnels, slides, balls, etc and plenty of space to run around. This particular Toddler Time is $2.00/child and runs from 8am to noon Monday to Friday. You can show up and leave at anytime in between. (Parents must stay with children) I would highly recommend this activity, my kids loved it. The only challenge with twins is being able (as one human unable to achieve Multiplicity) to chase little ones in two completely opposite directions but the bonus here is that it is indoors so they can't run into the street like at the park! :-)
Checkout this great Seattle Times article for other similar Community Center offerings in and around Seattle; They play, you pay — and everyone stays dry.
Well, after such a great energy burning morning it's now nap time in baby ville and off I am to fold a couple loads of laundry.
Checkout this great Seattle Times article for other similar Community Center offerings in and around Seattle; They play, you pay — and everyone stays dry.
Well, after such a great energy burning morning it's now nap time in baby ville and off I am to fold a couple loads of laundry.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Joshua conquers the kitchen table...
Well, I knew it was coming. I had read about babies who scale tables, counter tops and even refrigerators and when my twins started climbing onto toy baskets, ottomans and the couch before they were 1... I knew I was in trouble. Today, at 14 months, 5 days and approximately 8 hrs old our Joshua successfully (to my dismay) climbed onto the kitchen chair and then the table. He then proceeded to do this FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!!! I removed him from the top of the table at least 20 times in the remaining 4 hours to bedtime.
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